Thursday, January 24, 2013

Conversations With Milo at 6 am

Milo: I saw something spooky in my room ,so I wanted to come be with you.

Me: What did you see that was spooky?

Milo: A green light, and I heard a voice

Me (trying to unconvince myself that my house is haunted): What did the voice say? Did you see anyone:

Milo (trembling and snuggling still further into my arms): well, I don't remember, but it was spooky. It was a man. (getting less freaked out) In CARBONITE! It was Han Solo. Him was in carbonite in my room by the door. 

Me: oh yeah? Well sometimes in the dark things are spooky but in the daytime they are not really spooky.

Milo: Mommy, can we keep him? Han Solo in carbonite?

Me: yes, Milo. If Han Solo is frozen in carbonite in your room; yes, we can keep him. 

Milo goes upstairs. Returns disappointed. 


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