Friday, March 25, 2011


Inexplicably called in to close last night. Confused. 

Wisdom teeth pain. 

A three-year old with...ahem...certain potty issues. He woke up early this morning crying for 'a wipe'. Poor kid. 

The fact that every photo we see in the media has been retouched. This infuriates me. 

My own belly. 

These things, for some reason, exhaust me. 
Tomorrow morning I will rise with or before the sun to get my teeth cleaned and have a new dentist admonish me for fillings falling out, plaque and whatever else...

Tomorrow afternoon I will be shopping at outlet malls with my best friend. We both need some time together.

Tomorrow evening my family will have dinner with her family. It will be a very welcome break. 

The upcoming 30th anniversary of my birth. Trying not to freak out about mortality. 

Today I will try and hold it together. Today we are getting new doors delivered. Today I will make the bed. Today I will be a good mommy. Today I will make it to the store for applesauce. Today I will apply generic numbing ointment to my teeth and gums as often as I deem it necessary. Today...I will....

1 comment:

  1. Today you will be the fine, magnificent, strong, independent, faithful, funny, beautiful gift you know yourself to truly be. Today if you ever doubt that, remember that I know what and who you truly are. Today the planet will realize your worth.
